“After tragically losing our daughter, we had to make a ton of decisions for funeral and burial arrangements. My husband and I were not thinking straight and had a hard time deciding what we wanted or needed. Kylie graciously gave ideas and direction where we were clearly lost. We were so thankful to have her on our side to help guide us.”

-Hallie’s parents

What People Are Saying

“In what was the hardest time of my life, Kylie was there with a warm hug when we heard news no family expects to hear. She was there with a gentle touch for my medically fragile child before he died. She was there with a listening ear when I needed to vent. She was there with ideas of how to help me create memories with my child.”

— Beckett’s mom

"The entire family would also like to express our sincere gratitude to the non-profit organization Walk With You, and especially their wonderful co-founder Kylie Collins, whom without her unwavering support to the entire family would have made this terrible loss truly unbearable."

— Palmer’s family

“One of my best memories of the worst day of our lives is Kylie being there with us and praying with us. Once our son passed, she didn’t just move on with her life. She continued to stay in contact and remind us of things she missed about our son. She will always have a special place in our hearts.”

— Beau’s mom

“Thank you for still checking on us, loving us, and supporting us on our grief journey. A lot of people don’t understand, and as the world keeps spinning, it’s good to have those who do get it.”

—Xander’s mom

“Kylie’s ability to sense our needs as parents going through the unexpected course of saying goodbye to our newborn not only was a resource to our emotional state in the moment but also helped us create physical memories that we will cherish forever.”

— Grady’s mom

"Our baby was so well honored and remembered at her funeral. I will forever be thankful for Walk With You for their suggestions on how to reflect her personality through her toys and decorations. With their suggestion of bringing her favorite toys and nursery decorations, people kept telling us that they felt like they knew her too."

— Maisyn’s mom